Achieving Greater Depth in Writing
Course Aims
Following the DfES clarification of the criteria for achieving greater depth in writing, this course offers an opportunity to reflect on the implications for learning and teaching for more able pupils through discussion and exploration of texts and samples of writing.
Who should attend?
There are separate sessions for teachers of years 1 and 2, and years 5 and 6. Literacy subject leaders, key stage coordinators and gifted and talented leaders are also invited to attend.
Let’s Get Cracking with Assessment of Writing
Course Aims
Using Amanda’s experience as a senior Oxfordshire moderator for end of KS1 and KS2 to consider the implications for learning, teaching and assessment across the whole school, covering:- making all writing count, using high-quality texts as a stimulus for interesting writing; promoting independence; the role of editing and proof reading; recognising the place of spelling and handwriting, and more.
Who should attend?
Teachers in Key Stages 1 and 2. Literacy subject leaders and key stage coordinators are also invited to attend.