Covid-19 Policy
Adopted September 2020
In accordance with government advice for educational settings and businesses:
Where it is practical to do so, CPD course and meetings will be conducted online using Zoom until at least December 2020.
Where face-to-face meetings in schools are required, the following procedures will be applied:
The trainer will cancel the meeting immediately if she feels unwell, experiences or displays any symptoms of coronavirus or influenza, or has been informed that she must self-isolate through ‘NHS Test and Trace’ or following a visit to an area where self-isolation has been ordered or advised.
Participants who are unwell should not attend any meetings or CPD events run by or attended by Amanda King Education Support Ltd
Social distancing will be adhered to by all participants
The course leader will wear a face mask or shield as far as it is practicable to do so, and wash and sanitise hands regularly
Respiratory hygiene will be observed
Meeting and training rooms should be as well ventilated as possible, but this is principally the responsibility of the hosting school and not of Amanda King Education Support Ltd.
Any resources, documents and books will be quarantined for a minimum of 72 hours before and after use
Where possible, handouts will be provided electronically
Hand sanitiser, anti-bacterial mists and disposable gloves will be available and used to ensure that contamination from any resources used during CPD sessions is minimised
Refreshments will not be provided except for wrapped sweets or biscuits. These will be quarantined for at least 72 hours after purchase and unconsumed items following the session will be disposed of; nevertheless, participants will be advised that, despite these precautions, items are consumed at the participants’ own risk.