Data Protection and Privacy Policy

23 May 2019

The Company

Amanda King Education Support Limited is a company registered in the UK (registration number 7595413).  The registered address for the company is 19 Church St, Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glamorgan, CF47 0AY

Amanda King is the Company Director and, in this capacity, is the data controller and the principal data handler.  Stephanie Egger works independently as Course Administrator for Amanda King Education Support Ltd and in this role is a data handler.

Information held

The Company holds the following information:

  • The name of schools for which Amanda King Education Support Ltd has provided services, together with the name of the head teacher, the establishment email address of the head teacher and office, the school telephone number and postal address

  • The names of individuals who have indicated through evaluation forms, by email or by telephone call that they wish to be included on our database to be contacted with regards to forthcoming training courses and events.

  • In order to provide a service and/or fulfil a contract to any particular company, school or individual, Amanda King Education Services Ltd may also hold:

  • copies of proposals of work detailing the contract to be fulfilled

  • copies of notes of visit summarising the work that has been carried out and recommendations following the completion of a contract or a phase of the contract

  • extended reports where greater detail is required than that usually provided by a note of visit, or where it has been agreed with the head teacher that the detail should be separated from the note of visit. These reports do not contain the names of individuals unless those individuals have consented and are also in receipt of a copy of the report

  • Copies of evaluations or evaluative comments. These may include the names of schools and the individual name and email address of the author where s/he has chosen to supply this information

  • Copies of invoices and an invoice log detailing the number of the invoice, individual or school recipient, brief summary of service provided and subtotals/totals as appropriate to the contract or service.

  • Spreadsheets of course bookings including the course title, names of delegates and the schools they represent, contact email address.

  • Information required by Oxfordshire School Improvement Team/Oxfordshire County Council to fulfil contracts directly undertaken for those bodies. Documents relating to such work are collected, stored and distributed in accordance with the data protection protocols identified by those bodies whilst also complying with the company’s own data protection policy.

Storage of information

Information is held on laptop computers that are fully encrypted and backed up to external hard drives and clouds that are also encrypted.

Evaluations in hard copy are held in box-files and, where permission has been granted, may be published on advertising flyers, on the company website or on the company twitter feed.

Data and documents related to End of KS1 and KS2 moderation undertaken for Oxfordshire School Improvement Team are stored on Amanda King’s encrypted laptop as password protected documents.


Contact details, work proposals, notes of visit and reports, course booking details and evaluations are held for the life-time of the company or until a client requests that they be deleted, whichever is the shorter period.

Copies of invoices and invoice logs are retained for the lifetime of the company or as required by HMRC, whichever is the longer.

Data and documents related to End of KS1 and KS2 moderation undertaken for Oxfordshire School Improvement Team are retained for the length of the contract with OSIT and are deleted after a period not exceeding six months from the start of the contract and in accordance with the policy and protocols defined by OSIT.

Purpose and usage of retained information

Contact details are retained and used to:

  • share news of forthcoming training courses and opportunities and to facilitate communication with those clients requesting service from Amanda King Education Support Ltd

  • send proposals, notes of visit/reports, invoices, reminders and updates

  • respond to requests and questions received by telephone call, text or email

  • support the fulfilling of contracts with individuals, schools or companies

Notes of visit, reports, evaluations, invoices, course booking databases and invoice logs are retained and used to:

  • facilitate the continuation or completion of contracts

  • provide detail to respond to requests or queries

  • ensure that on-going or future support is relevant and efficient


Amanda King Education Support Ltd undertakes to:

  • process data lawfully and in a clear way

  • retain only the information stated in this policy

  • use information only as stated in this policy

  • share relevant information directly with clients and in accordance with the contract undertaken with that client.

The company does not share information with other bodies without the express permission of the client.

Rights and responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the data controller and both data handlers to ensure that the information held is accurate and retained in accordance with this policy.

Individuals, schools and companies have the right to:

  • be asked for their permission to hold details that are relevant to them

  • see the information that is held

  • have information deleted

To request that contact information be seen/deleted, clients should email either Amanda King ( or Stephanie Egger (  It is the responsibility of both Amanda King and Stephanie Egger to inform each other of such requests and to comply with them.

Head Teachers of Schools and Directors of Companies may also request to see notes of visit and reports that relate to work undertaken with that school/company and/or to have these deleted.  In these instances, requests should be emailed to Amanda King ( It is the responsibility of Amanda King to comply with such requests.

This policy will be reviewed annually.  Next review date: 23 May 2020.